ECS ALB host-header


i changed domain_name = “” in the public-alb and it’s ok

Hi Jim,

just for clarity -

if i did what to define new repo -

before i will run terragrunt apply (in

do I have to run

# Tell Terragrunt to use an IAM role in shared-services, with account ID 33333333333
export TERRAGRUNT_IAM_ROLE="arn:aws:iam::33333333333:role/allow-


# Tell Terragrunt to use an IAM role in dev, with account ID 2222222222
export TERRAGRUNT_IAM_ROLE="arn:aws:iam::2222222222:role/allow-

( can i run aws-auth on winnows?)
please advice


If you’re making changes in the shared-services account (e.g., in infrastructure-live/shared-services/xxx), then you need to tell Terragrunt to assume an IAM role in the shared-services account before running terragrunt.

aws-auth is a bash script, so unfortunately, it doesn’t work on Windows (at least, not without cygwin or similar). You could give aws-vault a shot instead, as it’s written in Go, and should work on Windows too.