We have a couple of teams starting to use Terragrunt. One using terragrunt-all and another trying to deploy modules individually. We also use Circle CI, seems like Terragrunt is using CCI internally as well. Curious if there is a pattern where folks are deploying a single module out of the “live” repo with Circle Ci. The mental hangup at the moment is there is 1 .circleci/config.yaml per repo. Seems like there is a way to use the CCI API to call a specific job, that’s the only thing we’ve come across so far that might help. Thoughts?
Hi. That part is understood, given your project structure, deploying a single module would be as easy as changing your current working dir to one containing a .tfvars and running Terragrunt commands from there. Which works great.
The question is how to do the above and terragrunt-all out of one .circleci/config. Trying to think of the least hacky way to do so. Probably some env vars and a conditional.